A Quick Overview of Regression Algorithms in Machine Learning


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We basically train machines to include some kind of automation in them. In machine learning, we use various types of algorithms to allow machines to learn the relationships within the provided data and make predictions with it. Then, the prediction type of the model where we need the predicted output is a continuous numeric value, it's called a regression problem.

Regression analysis revolves around simple algorithms, often used in finance, investments and others, and establishes the relationship between a single dependent variable that depends on several independent variables. For instance, predict the price of a house or an employee's salary, etc., are the most common regression problems.

We will first discuss the types of regression algorithms shortly and then move on to an example. These algorithms can be both linear and non-linear.

Linear ML algorithms

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Linear regression

It is a commonly used algorithm and can be imported from the Linear Regression class. A single input variable is used (the significant) to predict one or more output variables, assuming the input variable is not correlated with each other. represent yourself as:

y = b * x + c

where variable dependent on y, independent of x, slope b of the line of best fit that could get accurate output and c – their intersection. Unless there is an exact line that relates the dependent and independent variables, there could be a loss in the output that is normally taken as the square of the difference between the expected and the actual output, namely, loss function.

When you use more than one independent variable to get results, it is called Multiple linear regression. This type of model assumes that there is a linear relationship between the given characteristic and the output, what is his limitation.


Ridge regression: la norma L2

This is a type of algorithm that is an extension of a linear regression that tries to minimize the loss, also uses multiple regression data. Its coefficients are not estimated by ordinary least squares (MCO), but by an estimator called crest, which is biased and has a lower variance than the OLS estimator, so we obtain a contraction in the coefficients. With this type of model, we can also reduce the complexity of the model.

Although the contraction of the coefficient occurs here, are not completely reduced to zero. Therefore, your final model will still include everything.

Loop regression: the L1 standard

It is the absolute minimum selection and shrinkage operator. This penalizes the sum of the absolute values ​​of the coefficients to minimize the prediction error. Makes the regression coefficients for some of the variables drop to zero. It can be built using the LASSO class. One of the advantages of the loop is its simultaneous selection of functions. This helps minimize prediction loss. Secondly, we must bear in mind that lasso cannot make a group selection, also selects features before saturating.

Both the loop and the ridge are regularization methods.


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Let's go over some examples:

Let's suppose a data with years of experience and salary of different employees. Our goal is to create a model that predicts the employee's salary based on year of experience. Since it contains an independent and a dependent variable, we can use simple linear regression for this problem.

Nonlinear ML algorithms

Decision tree regression

Breaks down a data set into smaller and smaller subsets by dividing it, resulting in a tree with decision nodes and leaf nodes. The idea here is to plot a value for any new data point connecting the problem. The type of way the division is carried out is determined by the parameters and the algorithm, and the division stops when it reaches the minimum number of information to add. Decision trees often pay off, but even if there is a slight change in the data, the whole structure changes, which means that the models become unstable.


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Let's take a case of house price prediction, given a set of 13 features and around 500 rows, here you need to predict the house price. Since you have a considerable number of samples here, you must opt ​​for trees or other methods to predict values.

Random forest

The idea behind the random forest regression is that, to find the result, use multiple decision trees. The steps involved in it are:

– Choose K random data points from the training set.

– Build a decision tree associated with these data points

– Choose the number of trees we need to build and repeat the above steps (provided as argument)

– For a new data point, have each of the trees predict values ​​of the dependent variable for the given input.

– Assign the mean value of the predicted values ​​to the actual final output.

This is similar to guessing the number of balls in a box.. Suppose we randomly write down the prediction values ​​given by many people and then calculate the average to make a decision about the number of balls in the box.. The random forest is a model that uses multiple decision trees, which we know, but since it has many trees, also requires a lot of time to train and computational power, which is still a drawback.

K Nearest neighbors (model KNN)

It can be used from the KNearestNeighbors class. They are simple and easy to implement. For an entry entered in the dataset, the K nearest neighbors help to find the k most similar instances in the training set. Any of the average values ​​of the median of the neighbors is taken as the value for that input.


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The method to find the value can be given as an argument, whose default value is “Minkowski”, a combination of distances “Euclidean” Y “manhattan”.

Predictions can be slow when data is large and of poor quality. Since the prediction must take into account all data points, the model will take up more space during training.

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

Can solve linear and nonlinear regression problems. We create an SVM model using the SVR class. in a multidimensional space, when we have more than one variable to determine the output, then each of the points is no longer a point as in 2D, but they are vectors. The most extreme type of value assignment can be done using this method. You separate classes and give them values. The separation is by the concept of Max-Margin (a hyperplane). What you need to keep in mind is that SVMs are not suitable for predicting values ​​for large training sets.. SVM failure when data is noisier.


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source: unsplash

If the training data is much larger than the number of functions, KNN is better than SVM. SVM outperforms KNN when there are larger functions and less training data.

Good, we have reached the end of this article, we have briefly discussed the types of regression algorithms (theory). Este es Surabi, I have a degree in technology. Take a look at me Linkedin profile and connect. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thanks.

The media shown in this article is not the property of Analytics Vidhya and is used at the author's discretion.

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