We already have a CRM that gives us a complete view of 360 Degrees



Be ready for compete in the new digital age Is not easy, undoubtedly. At a technological level, the challenges multiply, but they also bring us great rewards. Among other imperatives, necessary improve customer experience, and an inescapable and infallible way to do it is to enrich the management models based on CRM solutions.

Create one View of 360 Customer gradesTo that end, is revealed as a decisive step not only when it comes to individualized marketing or sales personalization policies, but also to promote the operation of the business at an operational and BI level to, in summary, determine competitive advantages.

As a management model based on customer orientation, a CRM needs an MDM discipline (Master Data Management) to meet these expectations by improving your strategic results. It is, according to Gartner, a “critical success factor in the construction of processes for an optimal management of the relationship with the client “.

In practice, master data management provides the ability to perform a more integrated approach of the CRM, providing the great benefits that derive from a complete vision of the client. It is, therefore, a key support, that is part of the CRM strategy, giving you unprecedented possibilities so far.

“It is essential to make an MDM part of the CRM strategy, since it is essential to create a vision of 360 Customer grades, essential to achieve an optimized customer experience ", explains in this same sense Bill O’Kane, Gartner Research Director.

MDM, key to getting the most out of CRM

Managing customer-related operational master data, including those related to products and services and other related channels, not only eliminates data quality issues and inconsistencies to deliver a single version of the truth.

Although it is feasible to have a CRM that provides a complete view of 360 Degrees because the MDM procedure protege proactively the quality of the data teachers, its objective goes much further.

Having their support means offering an integrated approach, focusing on the customer experience more effectively. Due, a consistent experience is provided that helps drive customer engagement and, in summary, to develop a better experience to meet your expectations or, even better, overcome them.

Besides, facilitates customer segmentation, now “much more precise, giving institutions a better understanding of their clients and their potential behavior patterns “, dijo Kimberly Collins, Research Vice President, Gartner.

At the same time, the possibilities of effectively using the big data sources (as an example, social media) and external data providers for enrichment. O, among many other benefits, we make feasible coordinated reuse of master data across the organization, for any purpose. All this thanks to a lucid understanding of the global relationship with the client, able to control the different interactions with the company at any time, even in real time.

Image source: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalphotos.net

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