Fix the error “Offline Startup Repair” when starting Windows 7


When starting the computer, user may observe errors related to operating system startup. Windows 7 will try to make it work again, but it may not work and you will see a message saying this problem cannot be fixed and information about the problem should be sent to Microsoft. Clicking on the tab Tab “Show details”. will show the name of this error: “Offline Startup Repair”. In this post we will see how to neutralize this error.

How to correct the error “Offline Startup Repair”

Literally, this fault means: “offline startup repair”. After restarting the computer, the system tried to restore operation (without connecting to the network), but the attempt was unsuccessful.

The malfunction of “Offline Startup Repair” usually appears due to hard drive problems, specifically, due to the corruption of the sector where the system data resides that is responsible for the correct startup of Windows 7. Additionally there may be problems with corrupted system registry sections. Let's move on to the alternatives to fix this problem.

Method 1: reset BIOS settings

Go to BIOS (with the keys F2 O Of the when starting the computer). Load default settings (element “Load optimized default values.”). Save the changes made (pressing the key F10) and restart Windows.

More information: Reset BIOS settings

Method 2: connection loops

It is necessary to check the integrity of the connectors and make sure that the hard disk drive and the trunnions of the motherboard are connected correctly. Make sure all pins are properly connected and tight. After verification, reboot system and check failure.

Method 3: Restore home

Since normal booting of the operating system is not feasible, it is recommended to use a bootable disc or flash drive with an identical system installed.

Lesson: Instructions for creating a bootable USB flash drive in Windows

  1. Boot from a flash drive or boot disk. In BIOS, set the option to boot from a disk or flash drive (establish “First USB-HDD boot device” parameter “USB-HDD“). The following tutorial describes in detail how to do this in different BIOS versions.

    Lesson: Configure BIOS to boot from a USB flash drive

  2. In the installation interface, select language, keyboard and time. Click on “Next”. and on the screen that appears, click on “System restore.” (in the English version of Windows 7 “Repair your computer”).
  3. The system will perform automatic troubleshooting. Press the button “Next”. in the window that appears, selecting the desired OS.

    In the window. “System recovery options.” click on the post “Restore home”. and wait until the verification actions are completed and the computer boots up successfully. After the check is complete, restart the pc.

Method 4: “Symbol of the system”

If the above methods have not solved the problem, reboot the system from a flash drive or installation disc.

Press the keys. Shift + F10. at the beginning of the installation procedure. This takes you to the menu. “Command line”.in which you must type certain commands one by one (after entering each of them, press Entered).

bcdedit /export c:bckp_bcd

attrib c:bootbcd -h -r –s

ren c:bootbcd bcd.old

bootrec /FixMbr

bootrec /FixBoot

bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd

After entering all the commands, restart the pc. If Windows 7 does not start in executable mode, the problem file name may be in the crash data (as an example, the extension library .dll.). If the file name was specified, you should try to find this file on the internet and place it on your hard drive in the required directory (In most cases, this is the folder windowdssystem 32).

Read more: How to install a DLL on a Windows system


Then, What to do with offline startup repair problem? The easiest and most efficient way is to use the bootable recovery of the operating system by applying a bootable disk or a flash drive. If the system restore method does not solve the problem, use command line. Also verify the integrity of all computer connections and BIOS settings. Applying these methods will remove the Windows startup error 7.

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