How will Hello Siri work if the iPhone, iPad, Mac and HomePod listen to the command simultaneously


Siri as a voice assistant can be frustrating at times, but the function “Hello Siri” to activate it works very well. On the HomePod smart speaker, the voice activation of the virtual assistant is even more impressive, since Siri listens great to the user even if they speak without raising their voice when the music is loud.

Even when multiple devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac y HomePod) can be placed in the same room with Siri “living” in them, activating the wizard with the command “Hello Siri”. only one of them responds. Despite this, Why does this happen?

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Hello Siri!

The function “Hello Siri” works so that the device's coprocessor constantly listens to the iPhone's microphone. As usual, ignore everything you hear, but if you recognize a key phrase “Hello Siri”.starts responding to user speech.

But, What if HomePod, iPhone, iPad and Mac are in the same room? How does Apple determine which device should respond first?

The trick is that all devices are “they communicate” discreetly with each other via Bluetooth. According to Apple documentation, each time multiple devices recognize the phrase “Hello Siri”, exchange data quickly via Bluetooth and “the device that heard you best or recently turned on will respond”.

As great as the answer is, even the smartest technology sometimes makes mistakes. If a user needs a specific device to respond to the command “Hello Siri”, you can just walk up and say “Hello Siri”, but you can also use the home button to activate Siri.

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How to disable voice activation for “Hello Siri” on your device

If the user does not want the iPad or iPhone to respond to the phrase “Hello Siri”.You can temporarily deactivate this function by turning the appliance upside down.

If a user needs the HomePod speaker to stop responding to the phrase “Hello Siri”, you can disable the feature in the HomePod settings through the Home app, or just say “Hello Siri, turn off 'Hello Siri'”. [eninglés-[eninglés-[inEnglish-[eninglés-“Hey Siri, turn off Hey Siri”. ).

To reactivate the function, press and hold the top panel of HomePod and then say “Activate Hello Siri”. ((“Turn on Hey Siri” in English).

See also.

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