How to add text to a GIF (gif) online and free


The popularity of the GIF format on the Internet is an undeniable fact. There is a simple way to add animated text to a GIF image using an online tool, and so customize it or add a funny joke.

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Gifntext offers a very easy-to-use interface that allows you to add text, images and photos to your GIF images. You can add text as follows:

1. Open the Gifntext service and add a gif image. You can insert a link to an animation on the Internet or upload an image from your computer.

2. Click on the icon “Text”(T).

3. Add text, select source, size and color.

4. To set exactly where the text will appear in the GIF image, click and drag it to the desired location.

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5. To set when text appears in the image, you can drag it on the timeline bar below. Click and drag the blue bar at either end of the timeline to set the length of the text.

6. Repeat steps 2 a 4 if you want to add more than one text track (two in our case).

7. You can delete the text by clicking on it and pressing the key “Remove”On the keyboard or use the trash button on the toolbar. Furthermore you can duplicate the text layers by clicking the button “Duplicate layerNext to the layer in the timeline.

8. If you don't want to share a GIF image in the Gifntext gallery, click on “Make it private.”and then “Generate GIF“.

9. The GIF image creation procedure will begin.

10. Once the GIF image appears, Click the button “Download GIF” to save it on your computer or in the “← Back to edit” to continue editing.

Once the GIF image is ready, you can share it with your friends on Facebook or Instagram. To all this, when using Gifntext, Please note that you cannot upload GIF images larger than 100MB. And if you need more control over the text that appears in the GIF image, you can use similar sites like EZGif, where you can specify the display time of the text frame by frame.

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