Remove opt-out ads on Android


Annoying Ads Problem is Serious Among Android Smartphone and Tablet Users. One of the most annoying are the Opt Out advertising banners that are displayed at the top of all windows while using the gadget.. Fortunately, getting rid of this annoyance is quite simple, and today we will introduce you to the methods of this procedure.

Deshazte the Opt Out.

First, let's talk briefly about the origin of these ads. Opt Out is a pop-up ad developed by the AirPush network and is technically an ad push notification. Appears after installing some apps (widgets, live wallpapers, some games, etc.) Y, sometimes, is embedded in the shell (pitcher), which is a sin of Chinese smartphone makers of the second echelon.

There are several options to delete ad banners of the specified type, from the relatively simple, but ineffective, to the complexes, but they guarantee a positive result.

Method 1: the official AirPush web portal

According to the legal norms accepted in the modern world, users must necessarily have the option to disable intrusive ads. The creators of Opt Out, AirPush service, they have incorporated that option, even if not too flashy for obvious reasons. The opportunity to disable advertising through the site that we will use as the first method. A little note: the procedure can be performed from a mobile device, but for convenience it is better to use the computer.

  1. Open your browser and go to the unsubscribe page.
  2. Here you must enter the IMEI (ID de hardware) of your device and the protection code of the bot. You can get the IMEI of your phone in the next guide.

    Read more: How to find out the IMEI on Android

  3. Make sure the information is entered correctly and click “Submit”..

You have now officially opted out of advertising and the banner should disappear. Despite this, as practice shows, the method does not work for all users, and entering the identifier can make someone suspicious, therefore let's move on to more reliable methods.

Method 2: antivirus application

Most modern antivirus programs for Android have a component that makes it possible to detect and delete the sources of Opt Out advertising messages. There are quite a few antivirus applications, but there is no universal one that suits all users. We have already reviewed several antivirus for the “robot verde”; you can read the list and select the answer that suits your needs.

Read more: Free Antivirus for Android

Method 3: factory reset

The radical answer to the difficulties of Opt Out Ads will be a factory reset of the device. A hard reset completely erases your phone or tablet's internal memory, thus eliminating the source of the problem.

Note that this will also delete the user's files, like photos, videos, music and apps, so we suggest using this option only as a last resort when everything else is ineffective.

Read more: Reset settings on Android


We have seen the alternatives to delete Opt Out type ads from your phone. As we can see, getting rid of it is not easy, but it is feasible. In the end, we would like to remind you that it is better to download apps from trusted sources like Google Play Market; for this case, there should be no problems with the appearance of unwanted ads.

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