What is the MsMpEng.exe process and why is it loading the processor or memory?


You might notice MsMpEng.exe or Antimalware Service Executable among other processes in Windows Task Manager 10 (as well as in the 8) Y, sometimes, can very actively use the hardware resources of your computer, what interferes with normal functioning.

It's fasting: details what is the executable procedure of the Antimalware service, the possible reasons why “load” CPU or memory (and how to fix it) and how to disable MsMpEng.exe.

Antimalware service executable procedure function (MsMpEng.exe)

MsMpEng.exe is the main background procedure of Windows Integrated Antivirus 10 “Windows Protector” (also integrated into Windows 8, can be installed as part of Microsoft's antivirus on Windows 7), running constantly by default. The executable file of the procedure is located in the folder C: Windows Defender program files.

When you run, Windows Defender scans programs downloaded from the Internet and all newly started programs for viruses or other threats. Occasionally, also scans running processes and disk content for malware as part of automatic system maintenance.

Why does MsMpEng.exe load the CPU and use a lot of RAM?

Even when Antimalware Service Executable or MsMpEng.exe runs regularly, can use a significant percentage of your laptop's CPU resources and amount of RAM, but in general it does not last long and in certain situations.

In normal Windows operation 10, The specified procedure can use a significant amount of computing resources in the following situations:

  1. Immediately after turning on and logging into Windows 10 for some time (up to several minutes on weak PCs or laptops).
  2. After a period of inactivity (automatic system maintenance starts).
  3. When installing programs and games, unzip files, download executable files from the Internet.
  4. When starting programs (for a short time at the start).

Despite this, in some cases there may be a persistent CPU load caused by MsMpEng.exe and independent of the above actions. In this circumstance, the following information can help remedy the situation:

  1. Check if the charge is the same after “Delete” and restart Windows 10 and after choosing “Restart” in the Start menu. If nothing happens after restarting (after a short load spike, decreases), try disabling Windows fast startup 10.
  2. If you have an old version of a third-party antivirus installed (even if the antivirus databases are new), the problem may be due to a conflict between the two antivirus. Modern antivirus know how to work with Windows 10 Y, depending on the specific product, stop Defender or work with him together. At the same time, older versions of the same antivirus can cause problems (and are sometimes found on users' computers who prefer to use paid products for free).
  3. The presence of malware that the Windows protector cannot “handle” additionally it may cause high CPU load from Antimalware Service Executable. In this circumstance, you can try using special malware removal tools, in particular AdwCleaner (does not conflict with the antivirus installed) or antivirus boot disks.
  4. If your computer has an obstacle with the hard drive, it may also be the cause of the problem in question, see How to Check for Hard Drive Errors.
  5. In some cases, conflicts with third-party services may be causing the problem. Check if the high load persists by performing a clean boot of Windows 10. If everything goes back to normal, you can try to enable third party services one by one to identify the problem.

MsMpEng.exe is not usually a virus in itself, but if you suspect it is, right-click the procedure in Task Manager and select “Open file location” in the context menu. If you are in C: Windows Defender program filesMost likely everything is fine (you can also look at the properties of the file and make sure it is digitally signed by Microsoft). Another alternative is to check Windows running processes 10 looking for viruses and other threats.

How to disable MsMpEng.exe

First, I do not recommend disabling MsMpEng.exe if it runs in normal mode and occasionally loads your computer for a short time. Despite this, there is an option to disable it.

  1. If you want to temporarily disable the Antimalware executable service, just go to “Windows Defender Security Center” (double click the Defender icon in the notification area), select “Protection against viruses and threats” and then “Protection options against viruses and threats ". Deactivate the option” Real-time protection “. The MsMpEng.exe procedure will continue to work, but the processor load caused by it will be reduced to 0 (after a while, the system will automatically reactivate the virus protection) .
  2. You can totally disable the built-in virus protection, even when it is not convenient: How to disable Windows defender 10.

That is all for now. I hope I have been able to help you find out what this procedure is and what could be the reason for your active use of system resources.

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