How to recover cut soap


How to recover cut soap. Nowadays many people are resorting to the purchase of handmade soaps since the ones that are themselves come out better than the scented ones. Despite this, a lot of people have outdone themselves and bowed to the soap factoryOr to sell them and create a mini-business, or to keep your house full of soaps of all kinds, without having to spend so much.

The reality is that there is nothing wrong with making soaps and the procedure is simple., it is only necessary to have patience and the necessary ingredients so that they are as they should be. Anyway, repeatedly you can cut the soapEither due to poor preparation or due to a myriad of causes that we usually cannot understand.

Despite this, once the soap is cut, you should not throw it away but it can be recovered in different ways, even when this happens not only with soaps but also with butter and mayonnaise, that the liquid separates from the solid part. Unfortunately, for this case there is no recovery.

Recover cut soap It is simple and on the Internet there are many tips that sometimes do not work. May be due to procedure or ingredients, but there are several that work wonderfully, and here are two of the best.


This may seem crazy, but once the soap has been cut, separate the liquid part and add it to a mixing bowl and add two tablespoons of flour (this is for a calculation of three cups of liquid). Once you have beaten it for a few minutes, add the rest of the cut soap and beat for a few more minutes, You will see that it fixes instantly!

To the fire!

If the soap has been cut, do not despair and place it over medium heat until set. Just keep in mind that you shouldn't stop moving with a putty knife.

Look, it's simple and offers better results than you can imagine. The ideal is not to despair since this is usually the first symptom when you notice that your soap, for which you have worked so much, it has been cut. Be patientLook for these tips and you will see that in a very short time you will have your soaps as new.


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