Embed ThisCrush on Instagram: how to do it


Have you heard of ThisCrush But you have no idea what it is? It is the latest trend that is depopulating the network, especially among the young. ThisCrush is a web portal designed to send anonymous messages. There are many, will you say. Of Sarahah to Pregunta.fmNowadays, these services have always been used a lot.

There are many screenshots on the web showing ThisCrush on Instagram, and if you wonder how to add it, that's what we will see today. Despite this, unlike other anonymous chats, there is no downloadable app on Android or iOS. What this means is. they won't be able to use it on their mobile phones? Not at all!

After seeing how to use this service from a mobile phone, let's see how to use it. add ThisCrush to Instagram.

What is ThisCrush?

In the wave of web applications and similar services of this type, ThisCrush can be safely categorized as a anonymous chat. This means that it will give you the opportunity to send messages to other users., without them being able to discover your identity.

Crush, in English, it means smash. For this very reason, messages sent with this service are often used to to show our interest in a person. If you want to use ThisCrush only to send messages, the good news is that you don't need to register.

In case you want to add it to your Instagram profile, what is the objective of this post, you must register through the page official website. The procedure is absolutely free and you can do it both from your PC and from your mobile phone.

  • On the home page, click on Begin to work and you will be automatically redirected to the registration page. Here you must enter User password and his Email.
  • After selecting your COLOR LABEL, that you can modify later, confirm with the button Create me CrushTag.

The created CrushTag will be displayed on the next page. Here you can customize it. Its format is very similar to that of a web page, as an example: http://www.thiscrush.com/~suburbios00. After completing this procedure, all you have to do is return to the login page and enter your details.

Here you will have the possibility to edit your profile. The first thing to do is, of course, enter a Personal photo. You can charge directly from your mobile phone or PC. The other posts present are:

  • Get the tag code again;
  • Profile information;
  • account settings;
  • Manage blocks;
  • Change Password.

How to send messages in ThisCrush

Sending messages on ThisCrush is really easy. Once you get to the profile of a person that interests you, at the same time of the information common to all accounts, you will find a kind of Bulletin board where can you post your message. This is where the game starts to get interesting..

The alternatives to write the message will allow us to interact in different ways.

  • Publish privately: allows you to send a private message, that will only be seen by the interested user.
  • Post without a trace: enables you to post a message to be displayed on the public notice board, but without a trace. This means that your name will not be shown to anyone..
  • publish as … (Username): The last option available is the opportunity to send a message with your username. This way, it will be easily discoverable and all viewers will be able to access your profile.

ThisCrush on Instagram via web browser

Here in summary we get to the heart of our post about. how to put ThisCrush on Instagram. The first case that we are going to see is how to get it using a browser. It doesn't matter if you use Chrome, Firefox o Edge, the procedure remains the same.

First, must connect to Instagram official web portal And enter your access credentials. Once you have logged in, it's time to make a clarification. Instagram makes it possible for you to post clickable links just on your own bio. The only exception are business accounts that have at least 10k followers.

  • Then go to your personal page and click on the item “Edit profile”.
  • Locate the section web portal. This is where you will need to insert the ThisCrush tag that we saw previously. To copy it go to your profile, Choose “Get the tag code again” and after highlighting it use the key combination Ctrl + C.
  • Now paste it with Ctrl + V in the space dedicated to your web portal and press Submit.

Once you have finished editing, your link ThisCrush on Instagram will be visible to all. You can check that you have done well by clicking on it and waiting for it to redirect you to your profile.

ThisCrush on Instagram from Android and iOS

You can also choose to post to your ThisCrush account on Instagram using your mobile phone.. If you have a terminal Android or iOSdoing this will be really easy.

  • Open Instagram on your device and go to the section dedicated to your profile. Click here Edit profile.
  • Get your ThisCrush tag back by simply connecting to official website.
  • Now, again using the part where you must enter the web portal, paste your label and press the check mark that you will find in the upper right corner.

It is easy, truth? Linking our ThisCrush profile both from the PC and from the mobile phone is really simple. Do you want to know even more Instagram functions but don't really know where to look?? You're lucky, we have the right posts for you.


As we have seen, put ThisCrush on Instagram it is truly within everyone's reach. Thus, you will be able to give more visibility to your label and receive even more contacts. If this is not enough for you, remember that you can also share your profile Facebook y Twitter.

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