18 Useful mobile apps for data science / data analysts



Does your passion lie in data science / analysis?

Nowadays, data science and machine learning are changing the world. This is your chance to live your passion. To improve in what you do, you no longer need to stay with your laptop for many hours. Take a break and switch to a faster way of learning. Switch to mobile apps.

Did you know that you can run Python on your phone?

You heard right. Mobile apps have added immense excitement to our ways of learning. Topics that were considered difficult to understand, are now taught using pictures and stories on your mobile phone / tablet. You can access them anywhere, either on a bus, car, train, restaurant or anywhere else. All you need is a headset to plug in (if required).

In this article, I have shared some useful applications (I found) that can improve your analysis skills / necessary data science. These apps can improve your listening skills, logical skills, decision-making skills, mathematical skills, statistical skills and much more. They are much more powerful than one could imagine.

I have grouped these mobile apps into several categories. I guess you know your weak areas, so this would help you target those sweet spots. These are Android apps available for FREE on the Google Play Store.

Note: We do not intend to promote any mobile application using this article.. These apps have been selected based on their ratings and performance.


Mobile apps

Mental exercise

Elevate (downloads – 1 million, Qualification – 4.5, Size – 38.80 MB)

elevate-150x150-3643053It is a program of training Personalized brain designed to improve your cognitive abilities. Your we can apply transformations once for the whole cluster and not for different partitions separately Brain Training Includes 3 exercises every day. Exercises are selected based on your past performance. If you are weak in a certain way, you can expect those exercises to be repeated frequently. This application has several training programs, but the FREE version is limited. Even so, manages to provide a stimulating experience.

Lumosity (downloads – 10 millions, Qualification – 4.1, Size – 49.71 MB)

lumosity-150x150-9715277Lumosity is a personalized brain training program and has more than 40 funny Games. These games are intuitive enough to challenge your central thinking. This application will help you improve reading skills, writing, logic and math. Custom training programs are really interesting and addictive. You get 3 brain training exercises every day. Advanced exercises are unlocked, that can be used with payment.

Neuro Nation (downloads – 5 millions, Qualification – 4.5, Size – 18.32 MB)

neuronation-150x150-8135878This is a fitness app for your brain. This can help you improve memory., concentration, logical thinking and intelligence. It consists of several sets of exercises, creatively designed over 60 programs. It also allows you to challenge your peers and measure your weekly performance. You will get limited programs in the free version. Even so, It's worth a try. If you sincerely use these apps, for a few minutes every day, can bring a big change in your life.

Math training (downloads – 5 millions, Qualification – 4.2, Size – 2.71 MB)

workout-150x150-7821486Do you wanna be good with numbers? This app would help you with that. You should now be comfortable doing numerical calculations of any kind. This ability helps a lot in all stages of life. In summary, you must develop your mental math skills. Train your mind so you can do number calculations with your fingertips. This is a beginner level app. It has several interesting exercises to help you acquire mathematical intuition.

Math tricks (downloads: 5 millions, qualification: 4,4, size: 6,90 MB)

tricks-150x150-4539898This application is for advanced users. I would recommend this app to anyone aspiring to become a data scientist. You have to be smart about math. Here you will find useful tricks to speed up math calculations. It consists of tricks for the square number, the percentage, the division, the sum, the exponent and much more. For every trick, has 15 levels. You can also compete with your friends in multiplayer mode. Your performance stats are also tracked.

Programming tools / analysis of data

QPython (downloads – 500k, Qualification – 4.4, Size – 13.17 MB)

qpython-150x150-6119313This application allows you to run Python on your mobile. Helps your Android device run Python scripts and projects. Having been highly appreciated in the Play Store, this app works best in python 2.7. Consists of a Python interpreter, A console, an editor and SL4A library for Android. It also includes many useful Python libraries. You can also run Python code and files from QR codes. Therefore, You are no longer limited to running Python on your machines.

Learn Python (downloads – 10k, Qualification – 4.7, Size – 4.77 MB)

learntpytho-150x150-8435916You no longer need to stick to your machines to learn Python. Here is a Python tutorial for your Android device. This tutorial covers Python basics, type of data, control structures, functions and modules, exceptions, work with files, functional programming, object-oriented programming and much more. For an enhanced learning experience, this tutorial includes filling in the blanks, true False, rearrange and question-answers. It's a great resource for beginners interested in Python.

Programming R (downloads – 10k, Qualification – 3.8, Size – 561 KB)

programiing-150x150-1665004Like python, you can also learn R on your Android devices. This app introduces you to the basics of R programming. Think of it as a shortened version of eddy in R. I would recommend this app for complete beginners. It consists of vectors, functions, matrices, factors, data frames, lists and much more. After completing this tutorial, you are ready to perform your first data analysis.

Excel tutorial (downloads – 100k, Qualification – 4.2, Size – 9.05 MB)

exceltutorials-150x150-7126996No just R or Python, you can also learn to excel on your Android device. This is one of the most recommended Excel tutorials on the Play Store. This application is made up of tutorials that cover a wide range of Excel topics, from basic to advanced levels. Covers topics like ranking, filtered out, dynamic table, keyboard shortcuts, whatif analysis, etc. You better start managing your time and choose to invest in these apps. You will surely experience a significant improvement in your knowledge.

Termux (downloads – 10k, Qualification – 4.8, Size – 134KB)

termux-150x150-4944670Termux offers a powerful interface with an extensive collection of Linux packages. This application allows you to run text-based games with frotz, projects with git and subversion, use python console, access servers, edit files with nano and vim and much more on your Android devices. You can also install the desired packages using a built-in apt package manager known from Debian and Ubuntu Linux distributions..

Statistics and Mathematics

Basic statistics (downloads – 50k, Qualification – 4.1, Size – 2.72 MB)

statistics-150x150-9801518This app is for science beginners / analysis of data. Consider this app as a review of various statistical measures. It consists of topics such as Frequency Distribution and graphics, data description, probability, distributions, estimates, hypothesis testing and much more. If you are preparing to take an exam, this may be an ideal tutorial for you.

Probability distributions (downloads – 50k, Qualification – 4.5, Size – 3.21 MB)

distribu-4381957Once you have acquired basic knowledge of statistics, this app will make more sense to you. This application allows you to perform many probabilistic functions on your Android devices. Requires prior knowledge of probability distributions as binomial. Lets you calculate the probability mass function for Poisson functions, hypergeometric and graphs for Gaussian distributions, t test, Chi squared, log-normal and much more.

Statistics and sample size (downloads – 10k, Qualification – 4.4, Size – 3.43 MB)

sample-7843116It is the statistical calculator for your Android devices. This help can help you calculate various statistical metrics, as the sample size, the statistical distribution table, statistical analysis and much more. With this app, can save time when doing calculations. Does it in seconds. It is a useful tool for basic and scientific statistics. This application only supports .csv files. But I think that should be enough with our data analysis requirements.

Khan Academy (downloads – 100k, Qualification – 4.5, Size – 21.48 MB)

khan-9995801You can also watch khan academy videos on your Android devices. As an aspiring data scientist, you should look for a linear algebra course, probability and statistics at khan academy. This should help you prepare for rigid math calculations in machine learning algorithms.. Has a redesigned interface that offers an improved user experience. You can also sync your progress to khanacademy.org than this app.


You must have navigated well on their website (MOOC) to take a course of analysis / data science. Many of you wouldn't know that you can also continue your learning on your Android devices. Below are some useful applications of popular open courses: –

Udacity (downloads – 1 million, Qualification – 4.2, Size – 5.40 MB)

udacity-6271954Udacity offers a wide range of courses. Now, no longer need to wait for laptop to be accessible. You are great if you have an Android device. You can also simply take and complete courses on your mobile. There is no difference in learning on your website vs app. The user interface of your application is nice and easy to use.

Coursera (downloads – 5 millions, Qualification – 4.3, Size – 16.80 MB)

coursera-3206953Millions of students are acquiring new Coursera skills. To enhance your learning experience, Coursera has also secured its presence on Android. With this app, you can receive timely notifications directly on your Android device. With this app, you can learn anytime and anywhere without waiting for the best time to study. You will find all kinds of features that Coursera has enabled on their website.

edX (downloads – 500k, Qualification – 4.2, Size – 6.07 MB)

edx-3651353If you are subscribed to edX, you would like to download this app and continue your learning experience on your android device as well. This application allows you to download course videos, receive instant notifications, stream classroom videos via Wifi or cellular connection and much more. Like others, edX has made learning much more accessible and enjoyable.

Udemy (Download – 5 millions, Qualification – 4.3, Size – 27.47 MB)


With 5 million downloads, Udemy continually innovates the learning experience for users. More than 32000 courses and tutorials, can learn almost anything. But, only if you are curious. People have appreciated your content and experience on the Play Store. This application allows you to download lectures and tutorials on your Android device.


DataPeaker (Download – 10k, Qualification – 4.4, Size – 6.5 MB)

This is DataPeaker's own mobile app. We include it in this list because we think it will be very useful for any data scientist who uses it.. Has all the blog posts, including AVBytes, that we publish in AV. You can also save articles to read later. It is an ideal companion for your data science journey.

Final notes

It may be difficult to download all of these 18 apps on your Android devices. Device memory presents inopportune challenges at some point. I understand. Therefore, you should consider your areas for improvement and, Consequently, work to achieve them. To get the maximum benefits from these applications, must follow a disciplined schedule. Spend a few minutes from your daily life in these training programs to learn useful things every day.

Did you find this article useful? Is there any other useful Android app for data scientists?? Share your experience / suggestions in the comments section below.

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