The role of data in process management


800x320-4655917What is process management? Simple: for efficient data management, companies choose this method of organization because it is one of the most appropriate in the quality improvement procedure, company productivity and excellence.

But nevertheless, For process management to have adequate results, data analytics must include an appropriate methodology and a strictly rigorous procedure. Opposite case, the consequences could be dangerous and not focused on results.

BY management processes is not the same as BY management processes

in a traditional way, companies have always focused their work methodologies on process management. With this type of management, the company creates a structure of departments where it groups all the activities that are related. Above these departments, an organization chart is created in the form of a pyramid to determine a hierarchical organization with associated functions.

Thus, even when the hierarchy of positions that exists in the company is clearly established, in practice we usually find some problems, among them, the lack of definition and identification of various important aspects like:

  • responsibilities
  • strategy
  • information flows
  • March
  • relationships with customers
  • among others

For these and other reasons, many companies decided to refocus their efforts on data management and implement BY management processes. This change enables them be equipped with a horizontal structure that follows cross-functional processes and is clearly customer-oriented. A) Yes, the processes are clearly defined and documented and the responsibilities of each person are marked, assigning them a person in charge and a team.

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In this management model All members involved are part of a team that controls different disciplines and is accountable to its process manager, regardless of the department to which they belong.

It is a strategy that generates great benefits for customers, by which the company improves the detection of possibilities and increases its efficiency. Besides, workers also improve their motivation, capacity and satisfaction.

Technology and process management

The business intelligence You have relied on process management for a long time to increase your efficiency. On one side, provides greater visibility to all the information involved, and on the other, ensures that knowledge reaches the entire organization by improving data quality.

In the last years of the digital revolution, the emergence of new flexible and highly customizable tools made previous methodologies obsolete and obsolete. Today the center of everything is the experience offered: both the one we offer to the client and the one we focus on the company's user. And all this translates into data!

As a consequence of all this procedure of feeding and updating information in real time, we achieve a more efficient process management, powered by artificial intelligence, with advanced analytics and machine learning.

Did you know that the ISO rule 9001 determines that institutions must establish the necessary processes to guarantee quality? To make it, companies must determine the inputs and outputs, sequences and interactions, criteria and methods, necessary resources, assign responsible, risks and possibilities, continuously examine and improve. Precisely A PROCESS It is the set of interrelated activities that interact with a common goal: the company's results. This is why it is so important to establish the parameters of intelligent data management for competitive purposes., with a focus on responsibility and efficiency, but specially, with a strong commitment to quality.

The technology, through the data, makes it possible to improve process management in the following aspects:

More data, more interconnection more possibilities
Connecting and interrelating processes is much easier thanks to the association of indicators that make it possible to improve the efficiency of any decision, also multiplying its impact. The order, clarity and precision enable you to spot possibilities where before there was only chaos.
Improvement Real-time adaptation
Predictability and automation generate more precise and dynamic processes. At the same time, the classic associated problems are inverted, that until now occurred when trying to use the information manually. Agility and monitoring of information at all times are factors that decisively influence the company's position in the market. Today the key is to anticipate the needs of the client. Data quality makes process management increasingly valuable and can even speed up and simplify change management.

Advantages and disadvantages of analytics in process management

gestion20de20datos202-4023714Data analysis and statistics in improvement projects yield three fundamental advantages if we migrate towards process management:

  • Makes false ideas or claims that are not believed to be true.
  • It enables us to rely on objective data (data intelligence) to argue the reason for those actions that are carried out to achieve improvements.
  • Promotes systematic work.

But anyway, In addition, we can find inconveniences that we must anticipate to avoid:

If the data is used without having been properly verified and analyzed, the decisions we make may be wrong, engaging the focus on continuous improvement of process management.

Data Matters, but what really makes the difference is the process of transforming all that information. Therefore, it is very necessary to act with rigor and caution. How?

  • Contrasting the information and the sources from which they come
  • Analyzing it carefully.
  • Use analytics based on “clean and reliable data”

Keep reading: Data: information assets for competitive companies


Management by processes through technological platforms

Using a specialized technological tool is the best way to implement, maintain and automate process management. Through a Technological platform it is feasible to centralize all administration in a single tool through which roles are assigned, responsibilities, activities and indicators to measure results.


At the same time of all these factors that we have been analyzing, today agility and adaptation are key to leading the market. Companies that DO NOT FIT, THEY ARE NOT ABLE TO CHANGE AND ADAPT, lose chances, quickly become obsolete. Therefore, efficient data-driven process management is not an alternative, is increasingly a priority need.

In this way the Documentation management becomes more efficient, communication and timing improve, costs are reduced and the organization can focus on its customers.

A technology platform for process management helps integrate systems with a focus on process management, helps companies take into account the medium and long term, and to stay focused on planning and developing your strategy.


How do you manage data in your company??

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