5 Keys to add value to a website and increase its traffic


When creating a website, Interface design and shared content are critical. It is about thinking about the public at the formulation stage, in order to make calls to action once they arrive. In a nutshell, Nothing should be subject to chance in this regard..

It's true, but nevertheless, that in many places were created somewhat hastily and can be optimized. What's more, The dynamic pace of digital content generates the need to constantly work on the value of the page and strategies to increase visits.

On this note, We share the fundamental keys when it comes to adding value to a website and increasing the volume of traffic.

  1. Create valuable content

The times of advertising invasion are behind us and today the way to reach the target audience is to offer something of value. Therefore, The first key to adding authority to a site or web store is to make valuable content available to users who arrive..

This applies to both own content and those that are published in other media as part of a strategy to add traffic.. Faced with the complexity of these processes, Have the support of teams such as Posittion, a SEO agency in Madrid Specialized in positioning, is very useful.


  1. Bet on an intuitive and complete interface

As we mentioned at the beginning, The importance of design is fundamental. In other words, have defined sections, A simple structure and clear and useful content is decisive for the permanence of users.

The rebound effect, in fact, is discoverable and can lead to the collapse of a site's authority. It is also important to add sections that help in the use of the site, as instructive or "Frequently Asked Questions".

  1. Apply web positioning strategies

When we talk about web positioning, we mean appearing among the first search results of platforms such as Google. It is a very effective way to attract traffic that is really interested in content linked to a project.

This is achieved by creating content from certain keywords., Theme, Authority sites and target platforms. As we said, For greater effectiveness, it is advisable to hire professional services instead of paid advertising.

  1. Target a specific audience

It is important to identify a segment of the audience that can better identify with the content, Products or services promoted by a website. While it is not convenient to be too specific, It is good to evaluate which community we face to nurture a website.

  1. Create identity

If we talk about value, The work philosophy, The type of content and creating a spectrum of specific interests is essential. In that way, We managed to build a community that identifies with the project.

At the level of competitiveness, It is a way to make visible how our site differs from other similar ones. After all, It is the way to get users who commune with a value system.


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