How to fix kernel32.dll error in Windows


How to fix kernel32.dll error in Windows

Error messages about the kernel32.dll library can be various, What

  • kernel32.dll was not found
  • The procedure entry point is not in the kernel32.dll library
  • Commgr32 caused an invalid page fault in module Kernel32.dll
  • The program has caused a failure in the module Kernel32.dll
  • Procedure entry point to get current processor number was not found in DLL KERNEL32.dll

In addition there may be other variants. All these messages have the same library in which the error occurs. Kernel32.dll error occurs in Windows XP and Windows 7 Y, according to some sources, in Windows 8.

Causes of kernel32 errors.

Specific causes of various errors in the kernel32.dll library can be due to different circumstances. By herself, this library is responsible for memory management functions in Windows. When the operating system starts, kernel32.dll is loaded into protected memory and, in theory, other programs should not use the same space in RAM. Despite this, this can still occur due to various failures both in the operating system and in the programs themselves, and as a consequence errors related to this library may occur.

How to fix the Kernel32.dll error

Let's look at various alternatives to fix the errors caused by the kernel32.dll module. From the simplest to the most complex. Therefore, It is recommended to try the first described methods first and, if they do not have success, move on to the next.

I would like to point out immediately: you don't need to ask search engines for a query like “descargar kernel32.dll”, will not help. First, you may not download the library you need and, Secondly, the problem is not usually that the library itself is corrupted.

  1. If the kernel32.dll error appeared only once, try restarting your computer, maybe it was just an accident.
  2. Reinstall the program, get this program from another source – in case the error “procedure entry point in kernel32.dll library”, “get current processor number” occur only when this program starts. At the same time, the cause may be the recently installed updates for this program.
  3. Check if your computer is infected. Some computer viruses cause kernel32.dll error message to appear when run
  4. Update device drivers in case it won't connect, active (p. Not., Skype camera was activated), etc. Also outdated video card drivers can cause this error.
  5. The problem may be due to a “overclocking” from the pc. Try resetting the CPU frequency and other parameters to their initial values.
  6. Kernel32.dll errors can be caused by hardware problems with your computer's RAM. Carry out diagnostics with the help of special programs designed for this. In Case Tests Report RAM Failures, replace faulty modules.
  7. Reinstall Windows if none of the above helps.
  8. Finally, if even reinstalling Windows hasn't solved the problem, the cause must be in the computer hardware: faulty hard drive and other system components.

Various kernel32.dll errors can be generated on almost any Microsoft operating system: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and earlier versions. Hope these instructions help you correct the error.

Let me remind you that for most errors related to dll libraries, the queries associated with finding a source to download the module, like kernel32.dll free download, will not lead to the desired result. Conversely, can lead to unwanted results.

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